Match Time:6/3/2021 03:05 Thursday (GMT+8)
International Friendly -- France VS Wales
France Stats:
In France last 10 matches, they got 7 Win, 2 Draw, 1 Loss.
Wales Stats:
In Wales last 10 matches, they got 6 Win, 2 Draw, 2 Loss.
H2H Stats:
In their last head-to-head matches, France won in 2017 with 2-0.
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Analysis 1:
France has got 4 wins and 1 draw in the last five matches. Scoring 9 goals with a clean sheet. The team has a very strong fighting capacity. It is not a big problem for France to win against Wales, whose overall strength is inferior.
Analysis 2:
Wales's offensve end is a big problem. They scored 2 goals only when facing Azerbaijan in the last 10 away matches.
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