Fluoxetine 20 mg and 10 mg Pills

Fluoxetine 20 mg and 10 mg Pills

Fluoxetine 20 mg and 10 mg Pills

Giá Bán: 3đ

Thông Tin Sản Phẩm
The medicinal category to which fluoxetine belongs is called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Serotonin levels in the body are increased as a result. Serotonin is a chemical produced by the body that helps maintain equilibrium in the mind.

Alcoholism, borderline personality disorder, Tourette's syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, headaches, sleep disturbances, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), mental disease, sexual issues, phobias, and even obesity are all treated with this medicine.

Intake & Dosage

Pills, capsules, delayed-release capsules, and liquid forms of fluoxetine are commercially available. Just swallow it, with or without a meal. Over-the-counter fluoxetine comes in 20 mg and 10 mg tablets, capsules, and liquids, and is often taken once day, preferably in the morning, or twice daily, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Once weekly dosing with the delayed-release capsules is recommended.

If your doctor has not prescribed a certain time of day for taking the prescription, it is best to take it about the same time every day. Either carefully adhere to the label's instructions, or take into account any suggestions made by your doctor. Never alter the dosage of a medication without first consulting with your doctor.

In order to gauge your body's response, your doctor may recommend starting at a lesser dose and gradually increasing it. If you don't see results right away, that's okay. Within four to five weeks of taking the drug, you may begin to feel better. Even if your symptoms have improved, you should keep taking the medication as prescribed. You should never stop taking the medication without your doctor's approval. Symptoms include mood swings, dizziness, perspiration, irritation, anxiety, fatigue, trouble sleeping, agitation, and tingling or numbness in the hands and feet might result from doing so too quickly. It refers to the negative consequences of quitting owing to your general health. If your doctor has determined that you should stop taking this medicine, the dosage will be reduced gradually over time.
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