Adjustable Focus Lens 532nm Green Line Laser Module

Adjustable Focus Lens 532nm Green Line Laser Module

Adjustable Focus Lens 532nm Green Line Laser Module

Giá Bán: 55đ

Thông Tin Sản Phẩm

Under operation of high level of accuracy line alignment at various work distances, unless it is pointing under sunlight, it makes good job to use 532nm green line laser module within 5mW to 100mW. The advanced use of a thermal emitting system inside different dimension metal housing tube assures good thermal emitting and highly stable green line projection in long lasting use.

Designed with adjustable focus optic lens, laser line generator enables freely adjusted laser line fineness and line emitting direction. It applies qualified glass coated lens within 10 to 110 degree, and strict laser beam stability test up to 24 hours, thus assuring high linear quality green reference line within 0.5 meter to 6 meters. Within low time consumption and low production cost, it assures the best line aligning result for lumber machine, laser cutting, sand milling, textile garment processing and high tech work tec.

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