Video is becoming one of the most effective ways for companies to connect with potential customers and clients online.
Video platforms like YouTube are changing the way companies advertise and reach their audiences, and allow them to create content that drives them to learn more about the company.
Video is also a great format for content marketing, it’s super effective on social media, convenient for customers, and the easiest way to convey your messages to others.
The problem is creating videos is never an easy task for everyone, especially when they are newbies and are in need of a reliable tool to do such things.
And even when you are able to somehow make a video, you can’t determine the success of each video, you can’t manage to tailor your content well for the next videos, and you are not guaranteed to reach and engage potential viewers or customers. After all, you need to not only make videos but also make good videos.
For that reason, I recommend you check out CourseReel AI, a newly launched cloud-based software that let you create video courses from your voice, text, and old videos and turn them all into amazing quality slide shows and voice-over videos.
CourseReel AI will solve your video creation problem completely and you can always create video courses from your voice & written text with ease. This review will break down how good the software is and I hope this will influence you and give you another good purchasing option.
Want to learn how YOU too can create profitable video courses without actually being an expert? Let’s find out all the details in my CourseReel AI Review below!
CourseReelAI is a one-stop shop for you to enjoy video course creation bringing recurring profits from your members without complex planning or skill requirements.
CourseReelAI FE: CourseReelAI
CourseReelAI OTO 1: CourseReelAI Bundle
CourseReelAI OTO 2: CourseReelAI Unlimited
CourseReelAI OTO 3: CourseReelAI Professional
CourseReelAI OTO 4: CourseReelAI DFY
CourseReelAI OTO 5: CourseReelAI Business
CourseReelAI OTO 6: CourseReelAI PlayerNeos
CourseReelAI OTO 7: CourseReelAI Koincart
Let’s see how CourseReelAI can help you:
Don’t have an idea for your course? No problem. Let the Ai do the hard work for you. Simply submit a keyword and the app will go out and bring back a number of topics based upon past popular data.
From there, the A.I. will actually suggest titles for you! You select the one you want and then move on to the next step.
This will cut your brainstorming session up to 90%! Which makes the next part of the matrix work even better…
Now that you’ve got your topic, CourseReelAI will do the work of putting together the perfect outline. There’s no need for you to stumble about with notes and loads of papers, apps, and other nonsense.
Simply submit your topic to the app and you’ll receive back a full-fledged course outline laid out with perfection.
And even then, if you want, you can tweak the parameters to get everything ready for the final part of the matrix…
Now that you have your outline, the A.I. will go about its work of writing the script for each chapter of your course. It will work on every section one by one to create a cohesive video course. This won’t be a bunch of garbled nonsense that you see from other A.I. writers.
By giving the A.I. thousands of different course metadata, it now knows how to write scripts that are incredibly informative and attractive for video courses.
I’m sure you’ve seen FB ads selling courses on various different topics and 100s of people commenting and buying those video courses. Sites like Udemy and Coursera are full of success stories of ordinary people making a living by selling video courses.
There are average-joe’s making thousands every week simply by sharing whatever little knowledge they want to share by creating video courses. CourseReel AI makes it easier for even the newbies to create their first video course and start tapping into the massive e-learning industry.
With CourseReel AI you can create your video course without being an expert. You don’t need to be an expert to create a profitable video-courses. Curating knowledge works great. More Training inside CourseReel AI.
Imagine if you could go to website like Udemy or Coursera and pick a random topic… then find blog-posts about that topic online, paste the content in a software and rinse-n-repeat it a few time to create your first profitable Video Course.
That’s what CourseReel AI let’s you do. OR You could go for a jog and record some audio on your phone talking about something you’re passionate about.
Then upload that audio into CourseReel AI and CourseReel AI turns that into a video course for you in matter of minutes. You can later edit it as you like. CourseReel AI has a WYSIWYG timeline based editor similar to Camtasia but far more easier to use.
With CourseReel AI, you can be churning out a new video course every day. Upload your course to sites like Udemy and Coursera, who’re getting 120 million visitors a month… even if they send you 0.5% of that traffic, that’s 600 new sales every month. At a $10 price, that is $6000 in profits plus a buyers’ email list.
Sure, there are tons of video apps on the market that talk a good game, but which one of them allows you to create video courses quickly like CourseReel AI does? Not a single one that we know of.
With CourseReel AI, they’ve combined the best of the best technologies available today and packaged them all in an easy to use cloud-based solution that helps you get results fast!
Now should you get rid of your other video apps? Probably not. But if you don’t want to spend all day creating videos for your courses and your marketing, then you should definitely add CourseReel AI to your video arsenal today.
Even after seeing everything CourseReel AI can do, maybe you’re still a bit on the fence. Or maybe…just maybe…you’re skeptical and think that an app like this is too good to be true.
Hey, I get it. I would be skeptical too. But that’s just the thing. I was in your shoes at one time too. Tirelessly fussing about over video creation. Never really reaching my full potential because there just didn’t seem to be enough hours in the day.
And compounding that frustration was all the latest ‘flavor’ of monthly video apps that promise you quick riches without any work.
But that’s not what I’m promising here. We both know you’re way smarter than that. However, I will say that when it comes to creating money fast, nothing works better than video. Nothing. And when it comes to creating video fast, nothing works better than CourseReel AI in my opinion. Absolutely nothing.
Just think about it. You speak naturally and not too long afterwards you’ve got a set of videos ready to bring you leads, sales, and profits. How incredible is that? That’s why I’m urging you to get access to CourseReel AI today. Because this just might be the easiest path to profits that you’ll ever encounter.
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