200-901 Exam Dumps to achieve Larger Results

200-901 Exam Dumps to achieve Larger Results

200-901 Exam Dumps to achieve Larger Results

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How long is my certification good for?

Your Cisco certification is good for 3 years from the date you obtain it. Coincidentally that is also roughly the same amount of time between exam major Cisco 200-901 Exam Dumps content refreshes. So every three years, you must update your Cisco certification according to the policies of Cisco at that time. Generally you can recertify by passing the ICND1 for CCENT, ICND2 for or any advanced Cisco exam and it will extend your Cisco CCENT/ certification status another 3 years. This is one of the reasons why a Cisco certification is more valuable than many other IT certifications. By requiring you to recertify every three years, it ensures you are kept up to date with the quickly changing technologies in the IT field. 200-901 Exam Dumps used to have to recertify every two years with a one year grace period, but with the new changes, they are also now officially 3 years with no grace period.

Is there a continuing education program to recertify?

Another brand new addition that Cisco has brought with the latest exams is the ability to recertify with continuing education credits!  This is a huge development for Cisco certified individuals that offers flexibility and new ways to stay certified without having to 200-901 Dumps take the exam every three years.  For associate-level certifications () and specialist level certifications you will need 30 continuing education credits every three years.  For profession level certifications you will need 80 continuing education credits every three years.  In addition to completing continuing education credit, you also have the option to pass higher level exams to recertify the exam below that on the ladder.  Awesome!   

Click Here More Info >>>>> https://dumpsarena.com/cisco-dumps/200-901/

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