Tips on looking for apartments in Saigon

Tips on looking for apartments in Saigon

Tips on looking for apartments in Saigon

Giá Bán: Liên hệ

Thông Tin Sản Phẩm
Looking for a good apartment in Saigon can take your time, but it will be truly worth when you find a most beautiful and suitable one for yourself. On finding for an apartment, whether online via websites like, Facebook groups or other direct ways, there are a few tips you may need:

Understand your requirements

Many people do not sure what kind of requirements they need and end up renting an apartment they do not like. Before looking for an apartment, you need to understand what you prefer. Some people like crowded areas when some other people prefer quiet places, some people like cooking and some people like dining outside…

Know the place

Read all information about the place you are going to live. Is that a downtown or uptown? Is it safe staying there? Is it near your working place? Make a shortlist of choices and choose the most suitable one.

Ask for a good price

Before negotiating, you should understand the average rate of apartments in that area. And remember, long-term staying always has a better price than short-term staying.

Be friendly with people around you

Maybe some of them know a good apartment and are willing to introduce you.

Visit the apartment

When you rent an apartment in HCMC, especially for long-term staying, ask the host for a short visit in advance. If you are allowed to visit the apartment, check the cleanliness, outdating… to make sure everything meets your requirements. This is the most important tip you need to always remember.
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