Nguyen Phi Khanh street – one of Saigon’s street food heavens

Nguyen Phi Khanh street – one of Saigon’s street food heavens

Nguyen Phi Khanh street – one of Saigon’s street food heavens

Giá Bán: Liên hệ

Thông Tin Sản Phẩm
Nguyen Phi Khanh street has been renowned for its rich and diverse cuisine since it is home to people from all regions across South Vietnam. Therefore, the cuisine here is extremely flavorful with a wide range of typical Southern dishes. Let’s take a look at the top 3 restaurants that make the name for this neighborhood.

‘1-hour’ thick noodle

It is not random that this noodle restaurant in Nguyen Phi Khanh street is called ‘1 hour’ thick noodle or ‘60-minute’ thick noodle. The name is originated from the restaurant’s lightning speed of sales. The place only needs 1 hour to sell out hundreds of bowls of thick noodles (Vietnamese name: Banh Canh). Unique flavor, safety, and cleanliness are the top criteria for this restaurant to gain the love of hundreds of customers every day.

Address: 12C Nguyen Phi Khanh street, Da Kao, District 1.

Broken Rice

When it comes to broken rice, everyone knows this is a traditional dish of the South, especially Saigonese. This is considered a nutritious dish that Saigon people eat at any time of the day. A plate of broken rice is served with ribs, pork, Vietnamese pork sausage, eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes, and fish sauce. A plate of hot and delicious broken rice will give you full energy for the whole day.

Address: 113 Nguyen Phi Khanh street, Da Kao, District 1.

Three colored sweet gruel

Located at the intersection between Nguyen Huu Cau and Nguyen Phi Khanh street, for more than a few decades now, the three colored sweet gruel shop attracts countless visitors crowded from opening until closing. Among food lovers in Ho Chi Minh City, this is one of the top sweet gruel shops, associated with the name of being snobby.

Even though the shop is packed with customers, the owner keeps his mouth shut, gently making the food, not too fast or too slow. The strange seller, the even stranger customers when everyone waited patiently for their turn instead of rushing or shouting like in other shops.

If you are a foodie, you would definitely not want to miss Nguyen Phi Khanh street as your ideal neighborhood. Thanks to the unique and tasty eatery, the street has become one of Saigon’s street food heavens that attracts countless visitors and residents.
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