Company registration in Singapore

Company registration in Singapore

Company registration in Singapore

Giá Bán: Liên hệ

Thông Tin Sản Phẩm
As an outsider, you want a neighborhood Filing Agent – ​​a Singapore Corporate Secretary to record your Singapore Company Registration application.

Assuming you're not going to migrate to Singapore, you can in any case claim 100% offers in your Singapore organization, gave you're over 18.

Assuming you don't plan to migrate to Singapore, you would require somewhere around 1 neighborhood Singapore Director, who is a holder of Singapore citizenship, PR Visa, EntrePass, Employment Pass and has a privately enrolled address.

Stage 1: ACRA Approves Your Company Name
Stage 2: Get the Documents You Will Need to Register Your Singapore Company
Stage 3: Company Constitution, previously the Articles of Association and notice of Association archives. now to contain
Stage 4: Submit Application on the BizFile+ Portal
Stage 5: Confirmation of Incorporation
Stage 6: Acquire Business Licenses and Permits
Stage 7: Share Certificates
Stage 8: First Board Resolution
Stage 9: Annual Filings and Returns
Stage 10: Corporate Secretary
Stage 11: Paid-Up Capital

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