Select and approve a brand name specialist or lawyer to address you.
The brand name lawyer leads a hunt.
Contingent on the aftereffects of the hunt, the brand name lawyer will draft your brand name application. In the event that somebody as of now has something very similar or comparative brand name, you might need to change yours.
The brand name lawyer will document your brand name application with the Trademark Office and send you the receipt.
Following a couple of days, the brand name lawyer will send you the Original Representation Sheet of your brand name as it has been documented with the Trademark Office.
It can require anyplace between 8 months to 2 years for the Trademark Office to choose whether or not to allow you the brand name; assuming there are complaints from the brand name office or from any other individual, it might take more time. What's more, your brand name is distributed in the Trademark Journal.
Stage 1: brand name search
(time: around 4 hours) Cost: Rs. 0 to Rs. 500
This search is to check whether your business name or logo is like other currently enlisted brand names. By and large, the brand name specialist or lawyer directs this hunt with the Trademark Office to check assuming there are any comparable brand names previously enlisted under that specific class. There are two sorts of search: on the web and disconnected. It is suggested that you finish both the ventures. When viewed as special you can continue to the subsequent stage
Stage 2: Create a brand name application
(time required: 2-3 days)
In light of the consequences of the hunt directed, the brand name lawyer will draft a brand name application, given that your business name/logo is viewed as extraordinary. Assuming somebody as of now has something very similar or comparable brand name, you really want to change yours. Or then again assuming that you are of assessment that the brand name is legitimately yours and you are involving it for quite a while even before other party brand name enrollment. You can begin utilizing the ™ image when you document the type of a brand name application.
Stage 3: brand name enlistment
(time 8 to two years)
Cost: Government charges are Rs. 4,500/ - if there should be an occurrence of Individual/Startup/Small Enterprise (it would be 9,000/ - in any remaining cases) and brand name lawyer proficient expenses is Rs. 3500/ - per application per class.
The Trademarks Office will initially look at your application to check whether it's now been taken. On the off chance that it has, a brand name protest will be raised.
Assuming it has no protest, it makes a promotion in the Trade Marks Journal.
Assuming there is no resistance from different organizations in the following four months, your brand name is enrolled about a half year after the fact.